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Aera provides the Cognitive Technology that enables the Self-Driving EnterpriseTM: a Cognitive Operating SystemTM that connects you to your business and manages your operations autonomously. At their heart, they believe in assisting businesses in their transformation. They think that in the era of Cognitive Automation, enterprises must go beyond digital transformation to be able to operate at internet speed and scale. They're on a quest to make companies smarter, more digital, more dynamic, and more profitable. To do so, they've assembled a special group of product visionaries and technology veterans. They are eager for the future since it is a new era. At Aera, they're on a quest to address the most difficult and intractable problems in corporate software. They envisage the rise of the Self-Driving Enterprise, which will be a more autonomously operated company with a central operating system that connects and orchestrates corporate functions.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Business Support Companies, Office Administration Services Companies, Consulting Companies
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Oil & Gas Extraction Companies
Large size
Aerospace Manufacturers
Small size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Aera Technology employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Aera Technology: Newcomers: 26%, Experiencers: 15%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 40%. Aera Technology employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Aera Technology employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Aera Technology: Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Anaplan, Deloitte. Typical Aera Technology employees have worked at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.
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Alexion Pharmaceuticals
What industries did Aera Technology employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Aera Technology: Computer Systems Design Companies, Software Publishing Companies, Design Firms, Consulting Companies, Colleges / Universities. Aera Technology employees most likely come from a Comp
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Where did Aera Technology employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Aera Technology: Small: 22%, Medium: 26%, Large: 52%. Most Aera Technology employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Aera Technology study?
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Where did employees at Aera Technology study?
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
San Jose State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Aera Technology?
Time employed at Aera Technology: <1: 31%, 1-3: 60%, 4-8: 9%, 9-13: 0%, 14-20: 0%, 20+: 0%. Most Aera Technology employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Aera Technology rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Aera Technology: 74.0% Male and 26.0% Female. Age ratio at Aera Technology: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 49%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 14%, 51-60: 5%, 60+: 0%. Aera Technology rates - 4.0% less female than the industry average. Most Aera Technology em
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Career advancement

How does Aera Technology rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Aera Technology: low. Aera Technology ranks low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do Aera Technology employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Aera Technology: Actiance, Apple, C3, Caspex, Clari. People who work at Aera Technology most typically go on to work for the Actiance.
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