Ag Processing, Inc. (AGP) is a leading agribusiness processing company. It was founded in 1983. The corporate headquarter is located in Omaha, Nebraska, the United States. Lowell Wilson is the Chairman of the Board. The company CEO is Keith Spackler. The subsidiaries are AGP Grain Marketing LLC, Protinal, and AGP Corn Processing, Inc. Ag Processing is considered the world's leading cooperative soybean processing and a supplier company formed by a joint venture between Farmland Industries and Boone Valley Cooperative Processing Association. Ag Processing company is engaged in procuring, processing, marketing, and transporting of oilseeds, vegetable oil refining, renewable fuels, grains, and related products. It employs approximately 1,100 people and markets U.S. agricultural products around the world. AGP is constantly looking for candidates who are not only qualified and knowledgeable but also have the drive to grow. They provide a career path with excellent benefits and growth opportunities.
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