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AIB International is a company that helps food manufacturers improve their food safety n management strategies. The company has a team of professionals that are deployed to industries for inspections and other services. They provide a guideline on the best ways to secure foods and keep your business thriving with their knowledge and expertise. The company has been in operation for over 100 years and have gained huge experience in their field. Their team of experts includes experts in baking production, experimental baking, cereal science, nutrition, food safety and hygiene. They operate globally and have offices on strategic points for easy access by potential clients.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Food & Beverage Retailers
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Computer Systems Design Companies
Medium size
Computer Systems Design Companies
Small size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Aib International employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Aib International: Newcomers: 15%, Experiencers: 22%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 44%. Aib International employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Aib International employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Aib International: Alorica, American Guaranty Title Insurance Company, CSM Bakery Solutions. Typical Aib International employees have worked at Alorica.
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American Guaranty Title Insurance Company
CSM Bakery Solutions
What industries did Aib International employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Aib International: Food Manufacturers, Colleges / Universities, Food & Beverage Retailers, Niche Retailers, Niche Manufacturers. Aib International employees most likely come from a Food Manufacturer
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Where did Aib International employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Aib International: Small: 26%, Medium: 15%, Large: 59%. Most Aib International employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Aib International study?
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Where did employees at Aib International study?
AIB International
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Aib International?
Time employed at Aib International: <1: 8%, 1-3: 21%, 4-8: 39%, 9-13: 13%, 14-20: 8%, 20+: 11%. Most Aib International employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Aib International rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Aib International: 57.9% Male and 42.1% Female. Age ratio at Aib International: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 26%, 31-40: 28%, 41-50: 19%, 51-60: 18%, 60+: 9%. Aib International rates - 7.1% more female than the industry average. Most Aib Interna
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Career advancement

How does Aib International rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Aib International: medium. Aib International ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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