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Alpha Epsilon Pi, founded in 1913 and headquartered in Indiana, United States, is a nonprofit organization and an international Jewish Fraternity having more than 186 chapters across the U.S., Canada. The U.K., Austria, and Israel. The agency has specified titles for its officers like Master for President, Lieutenant Master for VP, and Scribe for Secretary. The organization is governed in a diamond model and comprises the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation, the Fiscal Control Board, and the Supreme Board of Governors. Employees at Alpha Epsilon Pi receive medical, dental and vision insurance, paid time off, disability insurance, a 401 K savings plan, and more. They offer jobs for Bookkeepers and more.

$1M to $5M
Multiple locations
Social Advocacy Organizations
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Social Advocacy Organizations
Social Advocacy Organizations
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Alpha Epsilon Pi employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Alpha Epsilon Pi: Newcomers: 72%, Experiencers: 17%, Experts: 5%, Veterans: 6%. Alpha Epsilon Pi employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Alpha Epsilon Pi employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Alpha Epsilon Pi: Central Florida Hillel, Finish Strong Athletics LLC Defunct, Hillel International. Typical Alpha Epsilon Pi employees have worked at Central Florida Hillel.
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Central Florida Hillel
Finish Strong Athletics LLC Defunct
Hillel International
What industries did Alpha Epsilon Pi employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Alpha Epsilon Pi: Social Advocacy Organizations, Traveler Accommodation Companies, Niche Education, RV Parks / Recreational Camps / Dormitories, Colleges / Universities. Alpha Epsilon Pi employees m
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Where did Alpha Epsilon Pi employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Alpha Epsilon Pi: Small: 65%, Medium: 13%, Large: 22%. Most Alpha Epsilon Pi employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Alpha Epsilon Pi study?
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Where did employees at Alpha Epsilon Pi study?
92nd Street Y
Cypress Bay High School
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Alpha Epsilon Pi?
Time employed at Alpha Epsilon Pi: <1: 18%, 1-3: 60%, 4-8: 19%, 9-13: 1%, 14-20: 1%, 20+: 1%. Most Alpha Epsilon Pi employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Alpha Epsilon Pi rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Alpha Epsilon Pi: 95.5% Male and 4.5% Female. Age ratio at Alpha Epsilon Pi: 16-20: 18%, 21-30: 71%, 31-40: 5%, 41-50: 2%, 51-60: 4%, 60+: 0%. Alpha Epsilon Pi rates - 49.5% less female than the industry average. Most Alpha Epsilon Pi
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What are the top roles at Alpha Epsilon Pi?
Top roles of Alpha Epsilon Pi: President and CEO, Vice President, Treasurer, Director OF Philanthropy, Scribe. The top role at Alpha Epsilon Pi is President and CEO.
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President and CEO
Vice President
Director OF Philanthropy

Career advancement

How does Alpha Epsilon Pi rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Alpha Epsilon Pi: medium. Alpha Epsilon Pi ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Alpha Epsilon Pi employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Alpha Epsilon Pi: Accenture, AIPAC, American Medical Student Association (AMSA), BBYO, Emerald Media Group. People who work at Alpha Epsilon Pi most typically go on to work for the Accenture.
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American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
Emerald Media Group