Applied technical service is a private company which manufactures electronic services. It was founded in 1984. The main headquarters of ATS is in Everett, WA. There are almost 750 employees working in this company. The owner of ATS is Umberto Lenzi and the president is George Hamilton. There are 60.8% of male and 34.6% are female. Some of the career opportunities include Inventory control analyst, senior NPI player, mechanical integrity consultant, calibration sales representatives and PAUT technician wanted. They care for their employees by providing them multiple benefits such as dental insurance, health insurance, life insurance and vision insurance. The annual revenue of ATS is $175 million. The competitors of Applied Technical Services are Tennant, Quality Service, Pioneer, Union Standard Equipment Co, WHITE ROCK DISTILLERIES. Their mission is to provide contract manufacturing engineering to OEM industry and their vision to be the most responsible, respect and be reliable.
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