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Ariston Tek Inc. provides IT solutions and recruitment services in IT-related fields. The company is considered one of the leading IT consulting and business firms in the North East. Ariston has headquarters in Jersey City, New Jersey. The team consists of young and energetic employees who find top-quality and cost-effective solutions for the clients without wasting a single resource. Since its beginning in 2006, Ariston has been working closely with the consultants and clients to build a great reputation in the industry. The company has recruited its candidates at many top positions in the well-known institutes and IT centers. Subbu Seetha, the CEO of the company keenly observes everything so that the clients always receive the best solutions by his team. Ariston welcomes talented calibers from all around the world and offers them exciting packages to make long-term relationships with the clients. The company believes that its growth is based upon the client's and candidate’s satisfaction.

Company - Private
$1M to $5M
Multiple locations
Computer Systems Design Companies, Consulting Companies
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What year was Ariston Tek founded?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry does Ariston Tek belong to?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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Has Ariston Tek disclosed its yearly revenue numbers? If so, how much do they make?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Yes! Ariston Tek makes $1m to $5m per year.
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