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ArmadaGlobal is a public company that was established in 2004. Its headquarters is situated in Hunt Valley, MD. It was established to execute medical reimbursement plan and Ultimate Health care. Currently, it has evolved to offer a wide range of supplemental health insurance solutions that meet developing employee needs. ArmadaGlobal trusts in health insurance products' authority and provides them with award-winning service, easy claims filing, complete guidance, and an unwavering obligation to quality. It is a fantastic organization that ensures the personal and professional development of its team member. It nurtures positive career mobility. Currently, it is looking for qualified persons for the available positions of Full Stack Software Engineer, Associate Data Scientist, Regional Director of Business Development, and Senior Accountant.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
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Computer Systems Design Companies
Large size
Computer Systems Design Companies
Medium size
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