Assurant Company Reviews and Ratings
mortgage insurance
Springfield, OH - June 14, 2024
Working at Assurant at first was okay. When I switched departments I had the nicest boss in the world. But the moment we got a new boss she gave me a strike just because I already had two under my belt due to sickness I had to fight through that got me those two strikes to begin with. No other reason. I noticed I had some of the same scores as other members on my team, but I kept getting the finger jabbed at me by the new boss where as my coworkers, with the same working score as me, didn't. Come December, she told me I needed to get my score up by the end of December. They also promised me extra training which never happened. But it wasn't a single day before they pulled me aside after telling me my deadline was at the end of December and fired me. When I asked about the deadline, I was not given an answer. They just changed the subject. Tbh I always thought it was just bc I'm trans. The only transgender person on the team.
Pros and Cons
pay and meeting new friends
Unreliable, Untrustworthy, Irresponsible, Fickle, Inconsistent
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Miami, FL - October 17, 2023
2 years now, wonderful and fun to work with professional and ethical people. Projects are well developed and always performance quality results. Happy team happy client!
Pros and Cons
Friendly people !
I have not found any cons working with this company!
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Open Items Specialist
Florence, SC - June 30, 2021
You are always learning new things without promotions. Promotions are only done on a favoritism basis.
Pros and Cons
1 hour lunch, and PTO time given
Negative work environment
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Customer Service
Florence, SC - June 28, 2021
I began working for this company. I believed that it was great until one of the "giant" companies within came in to learn how the customer service handled situation. It was great meeting different people and working as a team. I believe management on the other hand were not into team improvement. Everyone was for themselves. I worked an entire year at 100% and the day I was to become full-time I was "let-go" from my assignment. When I asked the agency I was working through if they had the reason I was "let-go" and I was told it was because of my work performance. Too this day I don't understand the real reason why I was "let-go". Maybe it was because I was called into the CEO office with management and they wanted me to give them some fraudulent info. on managers or team members.
Pros and Cons
Great kitchen food and the building was always clean.
You wont succeed unless you have "dirt" on others
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