ATTN is entertainment providing company which was founded in 2014. Their main office is located in Los angles, CA USA. Their estimated annual revenue is 38.1 million USD per year. They have 186 employees working at different locations. They decrease their employee’s growth by 10% by last year. Their main competitors are Sky bound entertainment, THX, Voltage picture, Shout Factory, Academy of telecommunication, Five Currents, Mad Over Games, Unreel entertainment, POAR and VUDU. They mostly hire graduates from Emerson college. Almost 13% of their employees are from Emerson college. Average stay of employees at ATTN is 2.1 Years. They are looking for talented employees who love big challenges, who think like entrepreneur, innovation excites them, who is team player, have confidence in his abilities and who dream big.
What departments ATTN: employees work at?
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