Autocar Truck company is an American industry pioneer in manufacturing various kinds of trucks. The company was founded in 1897, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company is based in Hagerstown, Indiana, United States. The corporate office is located in Birmingham, Alabama. It is a privately owned company for making commercial vehicles. In 1899, America's first motor truck was made by the Autocar company. It became an industrial revolution in the United States. They have manufactured Severe-duty trucks, Class 7, Class 8 vocational trucks, Heavy Trucks, Refuse & Recycling, Waste Hauling Trucks, Garbage Trucks, Terminal Tractors, Concrete Pumpers, Mobile Cranes, Vocational Trucks, Street Sweepers, Yard Trucks, Severe-Duty Trucks, 24/7 Live Tech Support, Custom-Engineering, Trucks and DOT Trucks.
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