Bard High School Early College (BHSEC), a collaboration between Bard College and public schools across the country, is a national model for public school reform, allowing talented and highly motivated students to move through the first two years of college in four years, earning an associate of arts (A.A.) degree from Bard College as well as a high school diploma. This liberal arts program places a premium on small class sizes and a dedication to teaching a diverse student body. A network of eight BardCollege campuses that provide high school students with tuition-free, credit-bearing college curriculum. Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) is a multi-campus early college school in the United States. Students can begin their college studies two years early at the school, earning a Bard College Associate in Arts degree in addition to their high school graduation.
What departments Bard High School Early College employees work at?
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