Bay Area Community Services (BACS) provides youth, teenagers, older adults, and their families throughout the Bay Area with creative mental health and housing services. They imagine a society where all individuals, with access to affordable housing, are secure, safe, and engaged in community wellness. In the lives of more than 8,000 individuals, BACS makes a difference every year. Their philosophy is strength-based, person-centered, and relies on a 'whatever it takes' wraparound approach. To support people in need, their methodology uses the following framework: trauma-informed, damage reduction, Housing First, and Job First models. Their advantages After 4 years, one month PAID sabbatical-not charging the PTO. When approved, free access to beautiful office space to start your private practice, Free iPhone with unlimited personal/professional usage data + laptop for easy mobility, Annual bonus if the agency achieves targets, fully paid medical, dental, vision, and employee life insurance benefits, nothing comes out of your check.
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