The Bellevue School System (BSD) is a public school district in King County, Washington, that covers the towns of Bellevue, Clyde Hill, Yarrow Point, Beaux-Arts, Medina, Hunts Point, as well as parts of Newcastle, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, and unincorporated King County. The Bellevue School District has 28 schools, including 15 primary schools, one Spanish immersion elementary school, as well as one Chinese immersion elementary school, five regular middle schools, four regular high schools, and two district-wide option schools (grades 6-12). The district is continually seeking for skilled candidates to cover a wide range of positions. Currently, the school has been looking for an Office Manager - Nutrition Services, Coordinator, Head Coach Girls Basketball, Support Coordinator - Special Education Services, Assistant Coach Track and Field, Behavior Support Specialist, Administrative Intern, Assistant Coach Girls Waterpolo, Administrative Secretary, Landscape Specialist and more.
What departments Bellevue School District employees work at?
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