As Bloggers, we are responsible for researching and writing on topics for posts. We use the content on our website, blog, and social media handles. It is our prime duty to make sure that the content is original, high quality, appealing, and free of errors. After writing the content, we proofread and edit it for correction of errors and improvement of quality. In addition to writing and posting content, we also promote it using social media, email, and other techniques. Our aim is to engage audience through our blogs and convert them into a customer of our product or service. We usually provide information about products and services through our blogs. We also utilize techniques of Search Engine Optimization to increase website traffic.
Core tasks:
- research and write content for posting on blogs and websites
- edit the content for correction of errors and insertion of additional information
- use SEO in content and blogs to help increase traffic on blogs
- stay updated about current trends to write better on trending topics