Founded in 1995, BTAS Inc. Is a private information technology provider. Its Headquarter is present in Beavercreek. CEO of the company is Angela Forints. With a revenue of $10 to $25 (USD), the company has 200 to 500 employees. The company also provides business intelligence, engineering support, project management services and cyber security. Within the professional sectors, they also provide marketing, strong industry accounting, architectures, advertisements and consulting ideas. They also provide lot of career opportunities in industrial and other scales along with many benefits. The employees of the company get perks and benefits like competitive salaries and hourly wages, weekly paychecks, full and part-time schedules, including days, nights and/or weekends, flexible hours - no minimum hours, earned sick pay, paid holidays, seasonal social events, employee referral bonuses, collaborative working environment, local management, annual salary reviews, health insurance with coverage options, education, training and mentoring, monthly employee recognition events.
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