What does a Canvasser do?
Working as Canvassers, our main responsibility is to communicate with the public audience and members of the society for collecting valuable information. We are committed to generating sales for the company by sharing the core objectives of the organisation with public people. We also knock door to door in the neighbourhoods for giving them ideas about our company's products and services. Functioning as Canvassers, our main goal is to convince the people to buy the company's products by displaying the benefits of a product or service of the company. We also talk with people in malls, parks or other public areas. We work as a part of the team but communicate with the people individually without anyone's coordination.
Core tasks:
- displaying the benefits of products
- preparing sales scripts
- cold pitching the valuable prospective customers
- maintaining our professional appearance in front of the public
- recruiting and hiring new canvases
- providing training to the newly hired employees