Cerrowire Inc is a copper wire manufacturing company. It was established in 1920 by Hyman Cohn. The headquarter of the company is located in Hartselle, Alabama, United States. The company has additional facilities centers in Georgia, Indiana, and Utah. Cerrowire Inc manufactures and sells armored cable, building wire & cable, and flexible steel conduit for commercial, industrial, and residential use. The company supplies building wire and cable through electrical distributors, wholesalers, and retailers all across the country. Cerrowire Inc's vision is continuous improvement in operating efficiency and productivity. It strives to develops inventive packaging that improves in-store marketing opportunities for retailers and the shopping experience for consumers. Cerrowire Inc is currently looking for Warehouse Shopper, Multi-Craft Maintenance, Operator Role, Engineer, Production Manager, Warehouse Receiver, Coil Machine, Production Team, and Logistics.
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