Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) is a private and non-benefit establishment. It was founded in 1966. The headquarter is situated in Los Angeles, California, United States. The University is named to respect Charles R. Drew who was an American Surgeon and a clinical analyst. The president of this organization is David M. Carlisle. It is a metropolitan college with a territory of 11 acres of land. The scholastic connection is WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). This University is a network established understudy focused on University and practice wellbeing research with an emphasis on instruction, preparing, therapy, and care in malignancy, diabetes, cardiometabolic, and HIV/AIDS. CDU has graduated in excess of 600 doctors, more than 1,270 doctor partners, and more than 1,700 other well-being experts, just as preparing more than 2,700 doctor authorities through residency programs and graduated more than 1,400 nursing experts, 1,000 family nurture specialists.
What departments Charles Drew University employees work at?
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