Chautauqua Institution is a non-profit, 750-acre community on Chautauqua Lake in southwestern New York State, where during a nine-week season, approximately 7,500 people live on any day, and a total of more than 100,000 participate in scheduled public events. Chautauqua is committed to the pursuit of the best of human values and the enrichment of life through a curriculum that addresses the significant religious, social, and political issues of their times; promotes the provocative, reflective involvement of individuals and families in innovative response to such problems; and encourages excellence and innovation in the understanding, performance, and teaching of these issues. They provide a wide variety of opportunities for people in all phases of their careers, whether you are looking for a year-round job or a seasonal one. They are known for providing visitors and staff alike with a special and excellent Chautauqua experience, which makes them a regional employer of choice.
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