Chiropractic Company is a multidisciplinary wellness clinic providing Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Spinal Decompression and Nutrition from the past 50 years. The company focuses on complete patient satisfaction and successful results by eliminating the structural problems that influence the nervous system without the use of medications and surgery. Using evidence based methods in patient care, maintain chiropractic's safety record due to the conservative nature of the treatment. The clinic strives to foster a positive environment of opportunity, growth and personal enrichment through performing in-house training, continuing education, social events, and more. Chiropractic Company goes beyond simply treating disease symptoms and focuses on identifying both internal and external reasons of a patient's total health concerns. The company benefits its employees with Full or part time with flexible hours, Generous base pay, Performance bonuses, Two weeks paid time off annually, and Company paid malpractice insurance.
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