City Market, Onion River Co-op, founded in 1973 and headquartered in Burlington, VT, is a private retail company specializing in local products, organic produce, sandwiches, beer and wine, and more. It is a community-owned food cooperative offering a large selection of local and conventional foods. It provides a critical service to the residents of Burlington and other communities by providing conventional foods, organic foods, and various Vermont foods. The company is dedicated to supporting the local community and enhancing the sustainability of agriculture. It features the widest selection of local products in the state and also offers a hot and cold food bar. Employees at City Market, Onion River Co-op receive discounts, medical, dental, and vision insurance, paid time off, 401 k savings plan, employee assistance program, flexible work schedules, and more. They offer jobs for Facilities Assistants, Cashiers, Head Cashiers, Front End Assistant Managers, Grocery Stockers, Meat and Seafood Clerks, Store Assistants, and more.
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