Charleston SC is an official website of the government of the city of Charleston. This website provides all the information needed by the residents of Charleston city. People can find every query relating to business, residence, online services, and other facilities available in the city. Their online services include BidLine, Business License Renewal, Citizen Service Desk, Construction Plan Search, GIS & Interactive Maps, Inspections Search, Municipal Court Online Payments, Permits & Plans, Parking Citation Payments, and others. People seeking information about the business can apply for a Business License, get information about Boards & Commissions, Board of Architectural Review (BAR), Design Review Board, Planning Commission, Plat Review Committee, Building Inspection Requests, Business Development, Business Licenses, and much more. For visitors, they manage a complete guide for traveling and recreation providing information about Angel Oak Park, Bike Maps, Bus Tour & Parking Permit Application, Charleston Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Charleston Visitor Center.
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