Norfolk, Virginia is a metropolis city of over 247,000 citizens and greater than 100 numerous neighborhoods. It is the cultural, educational, enterprise, and medical center of Hampton Roads, hosts the arena's biggest naval base, the vicinity's global airport, and is one of the busiest worldwide ports at the East Coast of the US. Norfolk neighborhoods are vibrant and inclusive places in which people take part in various activities. The city of Norfolk operates under a council-manager shape of government. The Norfolk town council is the legislative frame of the city authorities. The council establishes policy for the city, approves the budget, levies its taxes, and appoints the City Auditor, City Assessor, City Clerk, the City Manager. & the City Attorney, The council additionally appoints members to the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Planning Commission, etc. The city hires professional experts and pays them a nice salary bundle.
What departments City of Norfolk, VA employees work at?
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