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Salary and Benefits

Clinical Dietitian
$48K-$59K / yr. (est.)
$54,406 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Clinical Dietitian

What does a Clinical Dietitian do?

Aa Clinical Dietitians, our key job is to create meal plans that can help patients improve or preserve their wellbeing. These programs may be short-term, such as ensuring that an injury survivor receives adequate nutrition before he or she has fully recovered. We serve in a variety of environments, including hospitals, clinics, and public and urban health. Long-term care centers, veterans' hospitals, colleges and public schools, private practice, and HMOs are all places where we work.

Core tasks:

  • in compliance with existing department guidelines and requirements, evaluate and assess patients' nutritional status and screens them for nutritional risk
  • as suggested by the patient's needs and the clinical procedure, plan and start medical diet therapy for them
  • individually or in groups, educate and advise patients and relatives on nutritional matters
  • as a part of a health management team, communicate individual food care plans to other health care providers


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Clinical Dietitian?
On average, people work 3-5 years in other positions prior to becoming a Clinical Dietitian.
Clinical DietitianHouston, TX - A year ago
3-5 years in other jobs? Ain't nobody got time for that! Just let us study and practice what we're passionate about!
Clinical DietitianMiami, FL - A year ago
😡 What is this nonsense? Waiting for 3-5 years? That's just another barrier for us to enter this profession. Not fair!
How Long Do Clinical Dietitian Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Clinical Dietitians works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
Physical TherapistHouston, TX - A year ago
🙌 I've been a Clinical Dietitian for 10 years and still going strong! It's all about dedication to helping patients improve their lives through nutrition. Who's with me?!
Social WorkerWashington, D.C. - A year ago
i dont get it, r Clinical Dietitians not satisfied with their field? maybe theyre not appreciated enough for the work they do in the healthcare system 👎
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Clinical Dietitian Employees?
Frequent job changes in Clinical Dietitian, indicating a willingness to change companies and roles more frequently.
Software EngineerNew York City, NY - A year ago
omg, this is why tech jobs have such demanding requirements. You can't just hop around all the time if you want to gain expertise. Get it together!
Retail Sales AssociateSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Sigh, when you work low-wage jobs like mine, you don't always have the luxury of job stability. Sometimes you gotta do what you can to survive. 💔

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Clinical Dietitian's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Clinical Dietitian typically studied at.
Iowa State University
Michigan State University

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Clinical Dietitian Employees?
Gender ratio in Clinical Dietitian position: 0.173956804361501 Male and 0.826043195638499 Female. Age ratio in Clinical Dietitian position: 16-20: 3%, 21-30: 87%, 31-40: 7%, 41-50: 2%, 51-60: 1%, 60+: 0%. Clinical Dietitian position is predominantly female (82.6%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Clinical DietitianPhoenix, AZ - A year ago
Why do men seem to be afraid to pursue careers in nutrition? We need more diverse perspectives in this field to address different health concerns! 🥦
Clinical DietitianSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Can someone explain how the age groups are distributed in terms of career experience? Do younger age groups get more opportunities compared to the experienced ones? 🤔


Who Are the Top Employers for Clinical Dietitian?
Top employers of Clinical Dietitian position: Kaiser Permanente, Morrison Healthcare, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. People who work in Clinical Dietitian position most typically go on to work for the Kaiser Permanente.
Clinical DietitianSeattle, WA - A year ago
Honestly, it's great to see Morrison Healthcare on the list. They offer diverse options for Clinical Dietitians to work in different healthcare settings.
Clinical DietitianAtlanta, GA - A year ago
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital? In Atlanta?! This infographic is clearly biased and inaccurate, they don't even have a presence here!
Kaiser Permanente
Morrison Healthcare
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
What Industries Does Clinical Dietitian Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Clinical Dietitian: Health Care, Education, Retail, Administrative & Support, Religious / Grantmaking / Civic. Clinical Dietitian employees most likely come from a Health Care industry background.
Clinical DietitianHouston, TX - A year ago
I'm sorry, but who needs a Clinical Dietitian when you can just eat what you want and exercise? Are you all saying we can't trust our own body and common sense? Smh.
Clinical DietitianMiami, FL - A year ago
Look, not everyone has the knowledge or discipline to manage their nutrition effectively. Clinical Dietitians provide invaluable support to help individuals achieve their health goals. 💪

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Discussion about Clinical Dietitian

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What do people wear if they work as a Clinical Dietitian?
Diana Tafoya9 months ago
scrubs and a white coat
How balanced is the gender diversity among people working as a Clinical Dietitian?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
This is a female-dominated profession with around
What is the typical age to work as a Clinical Dietitian?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The typical age is 26 for a Clinical Dietitian.
How many years of experience do you usually have as a Clinical Dietitian?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You should work for 4 years on average to become a Clinical Dietitian.
Which industries are highly likely to employ a Clinical Dietitian?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Health Care is the most frequent for a Clinical Dietitian.
Do I need a degree to work as a Clinical Dietitian?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Most people have a Bachelor of Science degree
Which company are you working for as a Clinical Dietitian?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Most people work for Kaiser Permanente, Morrison Healthcare, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Sodexo and US Department of Veterans Affairs
How many years do people spend as a Clinical Dietitian in their career path?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
You should work for 4 years before considering changing to another role.
Is it common for people to switch companies and still work as a Clinical Dietitian?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
A Clinical Dietitian typically works for multiple companies.
What occupations do people usually work in before becoming a Clinical Dietitian?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Registered Dietitian, Dietitian or Nutritionist are the typical prior positions for a Clinical Dietitian
If I’m working as a Clinical Dietitian, what next position could I have?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Registered Dietitian, Dietitian or Clinical Nutrition Manager can be a good next step
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