Up to 85% of Crown's lift truck components, such as engines, drive systems, and electronic modules, are designed and manufactured in-house. On the outside, it says Crown; on the inside, it says Crown. Crown has gained a reputation as a leading innovator of world-class forklift and material handling equipment since its inception in the material handling equipment industry in 1960. Crown designs, produces, distributes, markets, and funds material handling items that offer superior value to consumers, from the smallest hand pallet truck to the largest lifting turret truck. Their extensive global dealer network offers a wide range of high-quality material handling equipment, storage solutions, and assistance. Crown's industrial product design philosophy is based on cutting-edge concepts for lift truck operator efficiency, safety, and product longevity. Their commitment to understanding the human-forklift relationship results in forklifts with the highest capacity and speed. They will solve the problems that matter by incorporating direct operator input into their creative creation process.
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