PeopleSpace Inc is a commercial interior or furnishing company. It was established in 201. The headquarter of the company is located in Los Angeles, CA, United States. The company offers Delivery & Installation Management, Asset Management, Warehousing, Project Management, Asset Disposal & Recycling, Quality Assurance, Warranty Services, Training Support, Relocation, Churn & Move Management, Furniture Maintenance & Repairs, Refurbishment, Rental Furniture, Leasing, Used Furniture Cleaning, Demos Low Voltage Cabling ,Project Specific Website, and Customized Status Reports,and Intermarket services. It provides a wide range of services to the transformation, healthcare, education, government, corporate, entertainment, and finance industries. The company strives to offer cutting-edge research and flawless and customer-focused execution. PeopleSpace Inc's mission is to offer quality receiving, inventory, installation, quality assurance, and warranty support for customers. The company is currently seeking an Account Manager, Project Manager, Quality Assurance, and Coordinator.
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