Collegium is specified as a Pharmaceutical company that is committed to being the leader in responsible pain management and produce different medicines to treat severe pain. It develops and commercializes new medicines prescription, pharmaceuticals products and provide a great commitment to people who are suffering from pain, providers, and communities. Collegium Pharmaceutical company in located Stoughton, Massachusetts, United States. The President of Collegium Pharmaceutical is Joe Ciaffoni. There are about 255 employees working at Collegium Pharmaceutical company. It was founded in 2002. The subsidiary is Collegium NF. Collegium Pharmaceutical also provides a source of information, perspectives, educational resources, guidance, and manage pain by maintaining uncompromising integrity in everything. They use the DETERx platform technology for the treatment of chronic pain, acute pain and other diseases. Collegium Pharmaceutical companies have created an environment that supports individuals and teams to get better, stronger, together, every day and they invite individuals to join their team of passionate, engaged, and experienced employees.
What departments Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. employees work at?
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