Having offices in Modesto, Stockton and Hughson, CA, Hospice Heart strives to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families facing life-changing journeys. The organization is a provider of quality care, education and support. Established in 1974 as a non-profit organization, Hospice Heart provides medical, nursing, emotional, spiritual and educational support to the ones in need like individuals themselves or their families when they are suffering from life-threatening diseases. Most of the patients are provided home care, but the ones who need nursing support all round the clock are served at Alexander Cohen Hospice House. There are jobs for compassionate caregivers. Some of the positions include registered nurses, logistics processing operators, hospice aide, licensed vocational nurses, case managers, retail clerks, cooks, admission liaison, nutrition coach, accountant, patient case managers, referral coordinators, palliative care aides and more.
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