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Cornerstone RPO (CRPO) currently supports businesses based in 26 states and recruits in all 50 states, as well as Canada and Mexico. CRPO is a market leader in talent management strategies and one of the country's most diverse RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) firms. To meet the clients' recruiting needs, CRPO takes a collaborative and flexible approach. Over the last 15 years, CRPO has provided recruitment outsourcing services in both the public and private sectors for a variety of industries, including but not limited to financial services, information technology, manufacturing/consumer goods, hospitality, and non-clinical healthcare. Corner stone offers various seats for professionals and non-professionals.

Company - Private
Multiple locations
Employment Services Companies
What departments Cornerstone RPO employees work at?
HR Management94.3%
other occupation5.7%
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Business Support Companies
1001-5000 employees
Financial Transactions Processing
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Cornerstone RPO employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Cornerstone RPO: Newcomers: 17%, Experiencers: 19%, Experts: 27%, Veterans: 37%. Cornerstone RPO employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Cornerstone RPO employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Cornerstone RPO: Apex Systems, AppleOne, Aqua America. Typical Cornerstone RPO employees have worked at Apex Systems.
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Apex Systems
Aqua America
What industries did Cornerstone RPO employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Cornerstone RPO: Employment Services Companies, Consulting Companies, Business Support Companies, Computer Systems Design Companies, Consumer Research Firms. Cornerstone RPO employees most likely come from a Employment Services Companies industry background.
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Where did Cornerstone RPO employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Cornerstone RPO: Small: 34%, Medium: 16%, Large: 50%. Most Cornerstone RPO employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Cornerstone RPO study?
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Where did employees at Cornerstone RPO study?
Christopher Newport University
Deep Run High School
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Cornerstone RPO?
Time employed at Cornerstone RPO: <1: 37%, 1-3: 35%, 4-8: 22%, 9-13: 4%, 14-20: 2%, 20+: 0%. Most Cornerstone RPO employees stay with the company for <1 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Cornerstone RPO rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Cornerstone RPO: 48.0% Male and 52.0% Female. Age ratio at Cornerstone RPO: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 51%, 31-40: 38%, 41-50: 8%, 51-60: 3%, 60+: 0%. Cornerstone RPO rates - 5.0% more female than the industry average. Most Cornerstone RPO employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Cornerstone RPO rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Cornerstone RPO: very low. Cornerstone RPO ranks very low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do Cornerstone RPO employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Cornerstone RPO: ADP, Capital One, Deloitte, Google, Hays. People who work at Cornerstone RPO most typically go on to work for the ADP.
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Capital One

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What’s the gender distribution at Cornerstone RPO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
52.0% female, 48.0% male.
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When did they start Cornerstone RPO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
In 2005, I believe.
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What industry does Cornerstone RPO belong to?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Human Resources.
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What companies are similar to Cornerstone RPO?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Apex Systems, Capital One, CyberCoders, Google, Insight Global, Korn Ferry, Robert Half, TEKsystems.
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what are the chances of career advancement at Cornerstone RPO?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
very low.
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What’s the average length of tenure at Cornerstone RPO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Typically <1 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Cornerstone RPO employees work for?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Large companies before Cornerstone RPO.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Cornerstone RPO?
Liam Brown3 years ago
ADP, Capital One, Deloitte, Google, Hays, Ingersoll Rand, Owens & Minor, The Greenbrier.
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Where did employees work before joining Cornerstone RPO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Apex Systems, AppleOne, Aqua America, HireStrategy, Lawyer Staffing, Nordstrom, Randstad, Robert Half.
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How old are Cornerstone RPO’s employees in general?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Where did most of Cornerstone RPO employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Christopher Newport University, Deep Run High School, James Madison University, Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth University.
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Cornerstone RPO is a great RPO company with consultants and clients throughout the US. Being able to work with multiple clients during my time has helped me to build a strong network and gain new skills sets.
9 months ago
Stressful yet cooperative coworkers
9 months ago
Good culture of company with out of proportion work life balance which needs to be analysis deeply for better retention at workplace for key resources.
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Remote opportunity and management is very professional👍
8 months ago
Excellent growth opportunities
8 months ago
best place to work with awsome people. Work environment is good with new opportunities everyday to prove yourself and grow. '
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Extremely understanding leadership who treat you like a professional adult. Overall, a great company to work for..
8 months ago
Treat you like a professional adult? What does that mean?😅
8 months ago
The owners will personally ask you for your opinions and if they are good, it will be implemented😊
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Unless you really need something from HR/management, you wont be bugged so you can concentrate on your assignment. Not necessarily a pro but you will get to know and understand your assignment's team/company more than CRPO's.
8 months ago
This is what all the management of other companies should do ✌
8 months ago
Why wouldn't you call that a pro? I believe that management should not interfere in your work👍
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Leadership is highly encouraging and great at making you feel valued. Ideas are valued!
8 months ago
Great environment
8 months ago
Decision making and team management, one of the finest skills you learn HERE
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They offer a unique platform of business that engages both candidates and clients alike. Their attitude is very passionate.
9 months ago
Amazing learning experience
9 months ago
Well paid on time
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Having been in the industry for many years CRPO has provided me with the best platform of any employer.*
8 months ago
You must have failed so special and lucky to be in that place👍
8 months ago
Can you please tell me how much are they paying you?🤔
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I feel this company was a great experience, backed by individuals truly driven to change the industry. 👍
8 months ago
Since day one we have been given training to succeed for we have a successful mindset🌸
8 months ago
All you need is a little enthusiasm and believe that you can make a change✌
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CRPO was a great bridge for me to go from the staffing agency world to in-house / corporate recruiting world.
8 months ago
Good employee discounts
8 months ago
The company can transform an individual who wishes to learn.
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Worked on a contract of 6 months. Managers were professional which is rare in RPO providers. Training and tools were provided to ensure i was successful in my role.
9 months ago
Let me tell you one thing that this is not at all rare I guess you have work in this industry for the first time😇
9 months ago
This is so nice of them to provide you all the tools required👍
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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