Cornerstone Services is a private support company that was founded in 1969. The company specializes in the provision of advocacy, jobs, empowerment, and comfortable living conditions for individuals with disabilities. The company believes that individuals living with disabilities can and should be allowed to make their own decisions and live on their own. It thereby offers its service to individuals living across Will, Joliet, and Kankakee County areas of Illinois. The company helps its clients find jobs, maintain houses, and access transportation, among other services. Employees at Cornerstone enjoy benefits that include paid holidays and vacations, saving plans, loan forgiveness programs, free medical, dental, and life insurance, flexible spending accounts, tuition reimbursement, paid training, and many more. Job opportunities are available at the company for registered nurses, web developers, child care workers, payroll and benefits managers, and many others. The company accepts donations and generates an estimated $30 million in revenue.
What departments Cornerstone Services employees work at?
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