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Salary and Benefits

Credit Risk Manager
$79K-$96K / yr. (est.)
$87,916 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Credit Risk Manager

What does a Credit Risk Manager do?

As Credit Risk Managers, we are responsible for managing and building risk strategies along with formulating and tracking appropriate metrics. We develop and implement pricing and underwriting strategies. We also design tests for understanding risk-return takeoffs using the hypothesis testing framework. Creating an automated mechanism to track KPIs around funnel conversion is also part of our duty. We also analyze and record the performance of portfolios. We present all these findings to directors. Working as Credit Risk Managers, we are responsible for collecting loan performance data to determine underperforming pockets. We also conduct to suggest risk mitigation strategies. Finally, we participate in meetings to know about policy updates.

Core tasks:

  • identifying credit expansion opportunities to optimize risk-adjusted revenues
  • analyzing and reviewing transactions submitted to the loan review committee to provide a clear decision
  • creating tools for minimizing top loan defects
  • managing underwriters to ensure mortgage loan submissions


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Credit Risk Manager?
On average, people work 7+ years in other positions prior to becoming a Credit Risk Manager.
Private BankerNew York City, NY - A year ago
7+ years of hard work and dedication to reach the top? Sounds about right. It's not for everyone, but the reward is worth it!
UnderwriterSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
I'd rather spend 7+ years gaining experience and knowledge than rush into a position I'm not fully prepared for. Quality over speed, guys.
How Long Do Credit Risk Manager Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Credit Risk Managers works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
Student AdministrationChicago, IL - A year ago
I didn't realize Credit Risk Managers switch jobs so frequently! What drives them to change employers?
Bank TellerHouston, TX - A year ago
Yo, does a Credit Risk Manager need a CPA license? I'm considering a career change. 💼
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Credit Risk Manager Employees?
Moderate job changes in Credit Risk Manager, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Accounting ClerkNew York City, NY - A year ago
hmm... isn't it better for Credit Risk Managers to have some career movement? With changing market dynamics, it's important to adapt their skills and knowledge!
Private BankerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Honestly, if Credit Risk Managers have a history of frequent job changes, it raises questions about their expertise and stability, impacting the credibility of their risk assessments. 🙄

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Credit Risk Manager's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Credit Risk Manager typically studied at.
Arizona State University-Tempe
Texas A&M University-Texarkana

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Credit Risk Manager Employees?
Gender ratio in Credit Risk Manager position: 0.688035233667727 Male and 0.311964766332273 Female. Age ratio in Credit Risk Manager position: 16-20: 2%, 21-30: 42%, 31-40: 38%, 41-50: 14%, 51-60: 4%, 60+: 0%. Credit Risk Manager position is predominantly male (68.8%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Credit Risk ManagerSeattle, WA - A year ago
Interesting, the majority of Credit Risk Managers are males in their 20s and 30s. Is this some kind of bro club? 🤔
Credit Risk ManagerBoston, MA - A year ago
This image just screams inequality! There's clearly a lack of diversity and representation in the Credit Risk Manager position. 👎


Who Are the Top Employers for Credit Risk Manager?
Top employers of Credit Risk Manager position: Bank of America, Citi, Fannie Mae. People who work in Credit Risk Manager position most typically go on to work for the Bank of America.
Credit Risk ManagerPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
Rather than focusing on the top employers, we should highlight the individuals in this field making positive contributions.
Credit Risk ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Bank of America, Citi, and Fannie Mae may not be perfect, but they still provide invaluable experience for those entering the industry.
Bank of America
Fannie Mae
What Industries Does Credit Risk Manager Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Credit Risk Manager: Finance & Insurance, Professional / Scientific / Technical, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Retail. Credit Risk Manager employees most likely come from a Finance & Insurance industry background.
Credit Risk ManagerHouston, TX - A year ago
Since manufacturing and retail are major industries that employ Credit Risk Managers, what specific challenges do you face when assessing credit risk in these sectors?
Credit Risk ManagerBoston, MA - A year ago
Frankly, I'm astounded by the diversity of industries Credit Risk Managers can work in. Can anyone provide insights into the retail sector? How do you handle risks associated with direct lending to customers? 🤔

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Discussion about Credit Risk Manager

Want to know more about Credit Risk Manager position?
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How is the gender diversity among people working as a Credit Risk Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Mostly men choose this job, but women also choose this.
What is the typical age of people who work as a Credit Risk Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
The typical age is 32.
How much experience do you need to work as a Credit Risk Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
You should work for 7 years on average to become a Credit Risk Manager.
Which industries are highly likely to employ a Credit Risk Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Finance & Insurance is typical for a Credit Risk Manager to work in.
Is it encouraged to have a degree as a Credit Risk Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Bachelor of Science degree is the typical for a Credit Risk Manager
Which company are you working for as a Credit Risk Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Bank of America, Citi, Fannie Mae, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo has the most employees.
How many years do people work as a Credit Risk Manager before changing their role?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
A Credit Risk Manager typically moves on after 4 years
How common is it for a Credit Risk Manager to jump from company to company?
Liam Brown3 years ago
The job hopper score is medium for a Credit Risk Manager.
What work history do people usually have before becoming a Credit Risk Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Credit Risk Analyst, Credit Analyst or Vice President are the typical prior positions for a Credit Risk Manager
What typical professions people working as a Credit Risk Manager switch to?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Working as Credit Risk Manager consider Vice President, Director OF Credit or Risk Manager as a next step in your career.
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informationLENSA generates certain information provided on this website by compiling and analyzing publicly available data and data from employees/former employees. All company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark does not imply any association with the third-party company. None of the information provided is endorsed in any way by any of the companies mentioned. We do not guarantee the accuracy, currency, or suitability of this information (including regarding demographics or salary estimate) and you are responsible for how you use it. ALL INFORMATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS”. We are not responsible for nor endorse third party content on our website. If you notice any inaccurate information or information you think is proprietary you can email us at [email protected]. See our Terms and Conditions and Community Guidelines for more information.