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Carl Dickerson, the founder, formed the Dickerson Insurance Services more than 50 years ago. Dickerson started it journey with having experience working in Los Angeles' multi-cultural neighborhoods. The company has expanded from a one-man operation selling insurance door-to-door to include property and liability insurance, employee benefits and consulting services among its insurance offerings. Dickerson Insurance Services joined the Alera Group in May 2018. Its headquarters are located on a large complex near Dodger Stadium. Dickerson takes its scope beyond and above in its service offerings to clients, collaboration with major insurance firms to promote insurance related products. Payroll, HR compliance, electronic enrollment, account management, benefits administration and risk management are just a few examples.

Company - Private
$5M to $10M
Multiple locations
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
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Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Large size
Direct Insurance Companies
Medium size
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