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Diplomatic Language Services (DLS) is an education management institute that provides language services to the federal government, higher educational institutes, universities, military, federal agencies, non-profit organizations, government, and private sector clients across the United States and around the world. DLS was established in 1985 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, the United States, with other offices located in Elkridge; Maryland, and Herndon; Virginia. The Chief Executive Officer is Jim Bellas. DLS offers services in languages and cultural training to translation, interpretation, and curriculum development, language testing, distance learning, linguist support, localization training in more than 85 languages, expert teaching skills, quality-focused, language services with consistent attention to the client’s needs.

Company - Private
$100K to $500K
Multiple locations
Business Support Companies, Consulting Companies, Translation & Interpretation Companies
John B. Ratliff
What departments Diplomatic Language Services employees work at?
other occupation27.8%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Diplomatic Language Services employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Diplomatic Language Services: Newcomers: 45%, Experiencers: 20%, Experts: 16%, Veterans: 19%. Diplomatic Language Services employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Diplomatic Language Services employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Diplomatic Language Services: Berlitz, City of Fairfax, Foreign Service Institute. Typical Diplomatic Language Services employees have worked at Berlitz.
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City of Fairfax
Foreign Service Institute
What industries did Diplomatic Language Services employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Diplomatic Language Services: Niche Education, Colleges / Universities, Consulting Companies, Elementary & Secondary School, Social Advocacy Organizations. Diplomatic Language Services employees most likely come from a Niche Education industry background.
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Where did Diplomatic Language Services employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Diplomatic Language Services: Small: 35%, Medium: 21%, Large: 44%. Most Diplomatic Language Services employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Diplomatic Language Services study?
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Where did employees at Diplomatic Language Services study?
Brigham Young University-Idaho
George Mason University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Diplomatic Language Services?
Time employed at Diplomatic Language Services: <1: 11%, 1-3: 28%, 4-8: 42%, 9-13: 18%, 14-20: 1%, 20+: 0%. Most Diplomatic Language Services employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Diplomatic Language Services rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Diplomatic Language Services: 42.4% Male and 57.6% Female. Age ratio at Diplomatic Language Services: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 32%, 31-40: 35%, 41-50: 14%, 51-60: 12%, 60+: 7%. Diplomatic Language Services rates - 2.6% more female than the industry average. Most Diplomatic Language Services employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Diplomatic Language Services rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Diplomatic Language Services: very low. Diplomatic Language Services ranks very low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do Diplomatic Language Services employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Diplomatic Language Services: Acclaim Technical Services, CACI International, Chemonics International, Foreign Service Institute, ICA Languages. People who work at Diplomatic Language Services most typically go on to work for the Acclaim Technical Services.
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Acclaim Technical Services
CACI International
Chemonics International
Foreign Service Institute
ICA Languages

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gender breakdown at Diplomatic Language Services?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
gender ratio is 57.6% female, 42.4% male.
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What year was Diplomatic Language Services founded?
Liam Brown4 years ago
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What industry is Diplomatic Language Services in?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
Education/Training, Consulting/(Non-Executive) Management, Customer Service.
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Where is Diplomatic Language Services’s HQ?
Liam Brown4 years ago
Arlington, VA.
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Has Diplomatic Language Services disclosed its yearly revenue numbers? If so, how much do they make?
Liam Brown4 years ago
Yes! Diplomatic Language Services makes $100k to $500k per year.
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Who is the CEO of Diplomatic Language Services?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
John B. Ratliff.
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How often do employees get promoted at Diplomatic Language Services ?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
advancement opportunities are very low
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How long do people usually work for Diplomatic Language Services?
Liam Brown4 years ago
4-8 year(s).
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What size of companies did Diplomatic Language Services employees used to work for?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
Most worked for large businesses before.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Diplomatic Language Services?
Liam Brown4 years ago
Acclaim Technical Services, CACI International, Chemonics International, Foreign Service Institute, ICA Languages, National Language Service Corps, U.S. Department of State, Yorktown Systems.
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Who are the top previous employers of Diplomatic Language Services employees?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
Berlitz, City of Fairfax, Foreign Service Institute, ICA Languages, International Center for Language Studies, Liberty Language, National Foreign Language Center, Washington Language Center.
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How old are Diplomatic Language Services’s employees in general?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
Around 31-40, 21-30
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Where did most of Diplomatic Language Services employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
Brigham Young University-Idaho, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Kabul University, Northern Virginia Community College.
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what is general male and female employe ratio at Diplomatic Languages services?d Do you go through gender discrimination there ?
A year ago
Female🧍 ratio is greater as compared to males
A year ago
No gender discrimination😬 and no salary packages variance for different genders
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Do Diplomatic Languages Services offer customer care and services programs?
A year ago
They literally provide their services in high quality💯 and in time adapting to the needs of the customer
A year ago
Not only that but also heir staff interacts with customers with so much positivity➕ Yes they have various offers
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I have had some courses there, it is a nice place to learn new languages and cultures.
A year ago
In my group👥 we got certifications and applied for cultural exchange programs and few of us got into them as well
A year ago
Yes, not just studying📚 we also shared our culture with each other and the people were from various age groups
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I worked at Diplomatic Languages Services for few months and after that i got referrals from there and got a great oppurtunity from another country, its a great company where you get so many advancement chances
A year ago
worked there for 6 months, my talent was recognized and was reffered to south east asia, grabbed such a great oppurtunity
A year ago
i got my language certifications from there, then got internship oppurtunity and eventually job. now trying to move to another country by getting references
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Is Diplomatic Languages Services a good platform to start your career? someone please guide.
A year ago
I don't think 🤔so I started there as a part timer because they don't really have much to offer
A year ago
No❌, you can go for experience but not career because they don't have much to offer and earn
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i worked there for an year and best thing was everyday i had the feeling of sel appreciation and i felt so produtice after teaching a new language to new people
A year ago
The environment☁ is not toxic at all that's what makes it best
A year ago
They offer short contracts📃 and don't really interfere in your job too, loved working there i gave me alot of confidence
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Is there anyone who has worked or has been affiliated with Diplomatic Languages Services/ if yes, then how is the environment and staff? I wanna give it a shot but not sure about management.
A year ago
I worked there for 2 years as a translator it's a great👍 place even the affiliated companies are good
A year ago
Yes definitely 💯
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do they really don't care about teaching but corporate firms?even though they have alot to offer in field of education.
A year ago
It's not true❌, the company takes alot care of the teaching staff
A year ago
Corporate firms🏭 are affiliated with it because of they're always in need to translators but teachers are their permanent employees
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Nice place, loved working there.
A year ago
They don't really give you any kind of assurance you can be eliminated anytime if you are temporary employee🥲
A year ago
Loved working there as a teacher
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Students are not usually in large number but they don't care about teaching staff.
A year ago
dude its not true ❌
A year ago
who's spreading lies❌ about my favorite place? lol
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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