Dome Construction company was started in 1969. The primary headquarter is located in San Francisco, the United States, with multiple office locations. It is a privately-owned company. The company was founded by Anton Bley and Bill D'Atri. The current President/CEO is Rob Lynch. Dome Construction is a contracting pioneer and one of the most recognized construction companies in the Bay Area of the United States. They offer services in general construction, preconstruction, and sustainable construction development projects for commercial, industrial, governmental, residential, and multifamily industries and companies. By today, Dome construction has done massive construction and modernization projects in education, healthcare, technology, retail & hospitality, interiors, and many more areas by using unique innovative, advanced technology and solutions for the tasks need to accomplish the project on time and date. Dome Construction offers the employees a rewarding and rich benefits package and comprehensive benefits.
What departments Dome Construction employees work at?
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