EBSCO Information Services, founded in 1984, is the largest provider of institutional information resources, including discovery, journal and e-package services, research databases, e-books, digital archives, healthcare resources, corporate resources, readers' advice, and more. EBSCO helps academic institutions, schools, and public libraries, as well as hospitals and medical institutes, industries, and government organizations, in their research requirements. EBSCO Information Services is a branch of EBSCO Industries Inc. and is based in Ipswich, Massachusetts. They have a work culture built on accountability, teamwork, open communication, and trust. Employees working with them are provided various benefits that include health care benefits, paid maternity leaves, disability coverage, flexible spending account, and various other benefits. Currently, they have vacancies available for Desktop support tech, Senior Software manager, and various other vacancies.
What departments EBSCO Information Services employees work at?
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