Energy Transfer Equity proudly owns one of the largest energy investment portfolios in the United States, with assets reaching coastal to coastal coverage, covering 38 states, and an international office in Beijing. Their core business includes the transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas, crude oil, NGL, refined products and liquid natural gas. For more than two decades, Energy Transfer Equity has been helping the United States provide energy. At that time, they had grown from a small in-state natural gas pipeline operator to one of the largest and most diversified investment-grade overall limited partnerships in the United States. Providing American energy safely and responsibly is their top priority. This is why they strive for honesty and respect in all their work. These core values are also the driving principles of energy transfer. They are also committed to maintaining a unified focus on operational excellence and respecting everyone else and communities in which they work. At Energy Transfer Equity, all employees usually enjoy a 401(K) plan, flexible working hours, vacation and rest periods, short-term and long-term disability, among other benefits.
How many years of experience do Energy Transfer Equity employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Energy Transfer Equity: Newcomers: 15%, Experiencers: 10%, Experts: 21%, Veterans: 54%. Energy Transfer Equity employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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