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Ergodyne has been a leader in the development of goods that Make The Workplace A BetterplaceTM since 1983. What began as a single product has evolved into a line of top-of-the-line, battle-tested Tenacious Work Gear®. It provides the most advanced, well-crafted safety gear and training solutions that safety professionals need, employees need, and job sites need in order to provide security, promote prevention, and ensure compliance, all in the pursuit of zero injuries. ProFlex® Hand Protection, ProFlex® Knee Pads, ProFlex® Supports, TrexTM Footwear Accessories, Chill-Its® Cooling Products, Arsenal® Equipment Storage Systems, SHAX® Portable Work Shelters, and Skullerz® Head and Eye Protection are among the latest offerings. They are hiring customer support specialists and regional sales manager and many more.

Company - Private
Multiple locations
Clothing Retailers, Food & Beverage Retailers, General Merchandise Retailers
Tom Votel
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Appliance & Electric Manufacturers
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