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Esurance is an insurance company, based in America. It was established in 1999 and has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. Jonathan Adkisson is the president of the company. Allstate acquired the company in 2011. The company works on the values of integrity, innovation, support, inclusion, and collaboration. So, if anyone is looking for a rewarding, meaningful working experience, he/she is encouraged to apply. The company offers comprehensive compensation and benefits along with a range of perks to their employees. They encourage their employees to do more well in order to maintain the reputation of being the best provider in America.

$1B to 2B
Multiple locations
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Jonathan Adkisson
What departments Esurance employees work at?
other occupation32.2%
Claims / Appraisers / Investigators19.4%
Software Developers and Programmers6.7%
Administrative - Other5.9%
Accounting / Finance5.8%
Insurance Sales5.8%
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See what companies are similar to Esurance
Direct Insurance Companies
Large size
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Esurance employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Esurance: Newcomers: 22%, Experiencers: 16%, Experts: 23%, Veterans: 39%. Esurance employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Esurance employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Esurance: Allstate, Farmers Insurance, GEICO. Typical Esurance employees have worked at Allstate.
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Farmers Insurance
What industries did Esurance employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Esurance: Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms, Computer Systems Design Companies, Direct Insurance Companies, Consulting Companies, Colleges / Universities. Esurance employees most likely come from a Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms industry background.
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Where did Esurance employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Esurance: Small: 20%, Medium: 12%, Large: 68%. Most Esurance employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Esurance study?
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Where did employees at Esurance study?
Arizona State University-Tempe
California State University-Sacramento
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Esurance?
Time employed at Esurance: <1: 9%, 1-3: 24%, 4-8: 47%, 9-13: 14%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 0%. Most Esurance employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Esurance rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Esurance: 59.9% Male and 40.1% Female. Age ratio at Esurance: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 37%, 31-40: 36%, 41-50: 20%, 51-60: 6%, 60+: 1%. Esurance rates - 2.9% less female than the industry average. Most Esurance employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Esurance rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Esurance: high. Esurance ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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July 2, 2021
Remote worker the Entire process and job
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Esurance is an AMAZING company!! They have wonderful support and what they tell you is EXACTLY what you will get. I regret having to give this job up; however, my son is autistic and working from home presented with many more challenges than I ever could have expected.

Pros and Cons
They supply the equipment for remote work, insurance available, great training
My work schedule was not really what I was told during hiring. There were many more evenings.
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Discussion about Esurance

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What’s the gender distribution at Esurance?
Liam Brown3 years ago
40.1% female, 59.9% male.
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What year was Esurance founded?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry does Esurance operate in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What’s the main location of Esurance?
Liam Brown3 years ago
It’s San Francisco, CA.
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How much revenue does Esurance generate?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$1b to 2b.
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What’s the name of Esurance’s CEO?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Jonathan Adkisson.
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What’s the average length of tenure at Esurance?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Esurance employees work for?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Large companies before Esurance.
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what are the chances of career advancement at Esurance?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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Top future employers of Esurance employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Allstate, Cisco, CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer, Liberty Mutual Insurance, National General Insurance, State Farm, Travelers, Wells Fargo.
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Where did employees work before joining Esurance?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Allstate, Farmers Insurance, GEICO, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Mercury General, Nationwide, Progressive Insurance, State Farm.
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What’s the average age at Esurance?
Liam Brown3 years ago
21-30, 31-40.
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What kind of degree do you need to work at Esurance?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
typically one of the followings No higher education, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science
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informationLENSA generates certain information provided on this website by compiling and analyzing publicly available data and data from employees/former employees. All company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark does not imply any association with the third-party company. None of the information provided is endorsed in any way by any of the companies mentioned. We do not guarantee the accuracy, currency, or suitability of this information (including regarding demographics or salary estimate) and you are responsible for how you use it. ALL INFORMATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS”. We are not responsible for nor endorse third party content on our website. If you notice any inaccurate information or information you think is proprietary you can email us at [email protected]. See our Terms and Conditions and Community Guidelines for more information.
Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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