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Salary and Benefits

Executive Administrative Assistant
$40K-$49K / yr. (est.)
$44,655 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Executive Administrative Assistant

What does an Executive Administrative Assistant do?

As Executive Administrative Assistants, we provide personalized secretarial and administrative support in a timely and well-organized manner. We act as a contact between the executives and internal/external clients. We undertake the tasks of receiving calls, taking messages, and routine correspondence.

Core tasks:

  • maintaining a diary, arranging meetings and appointments, and providing reminders
  • taking dictation and minutes and accurately enter data
  • monitoring office supplies and researching advantageous deals
  • making travel arrangements
  • developing and carrying out a useful documentation and filing system


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Executive Administrative Assistant?
On average, people work 5-7 years in other positions prior to becoming a Executive Administrative Assistant.
Executive Administrative AssistantSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Wow, now I guess all my previous work experience is just worthless? What a joke! 😒
Executive Administrative AssistantPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
Who cares about past experience? The skills and qualifications should be the focus, not the number of years in other positions. 🙅
How Long Do Executive Administrative Assistant Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Executive Administrative Assistants works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
Software EngineerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Executive Administrative Assistant, you're managing everything behind the scenes. Isn't it time for you to shine and get better career prospects? 🌟
TeacherHouston, TX - A year ago
As a teacher, I can tell you the struggle of being undervalued. Executive Admin Assistants deserve recognition for their hard work and a chance to move up!
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Executive Administrative Assistant Employees?
Moderate job changes in Executive Administrative Assistant, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Marketing DirectorMiami, FL - A year ago
Let's not overlook the importance of job satisfaction and work-life balance for Executive Administrative Assistants. A stagnant career can lead to burnout, negatively impacting both personal and professional lives. 🔥
Financial AnalystDenver, CO - A year ago
🙌 I support moderate job changes for Executive Administrative Assistants, as it fosters diverse skillsets, adaptability, and network expansion. A balanced mix of stability and growth opportunities is the key to success .

Career path

Path to job

How long does a Executive Administrative Assistant work in this position across multiple employers?
22 %
Administrative Assistant
Avg. length of tenure:4 years
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15 %
Executive Assistant
Avg. length of tenure:5 years
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Discover a Executive Administrative Assistant's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Executive Administrative Assistant typically studied at.
Arizona State University-Tempe
Miami Dade College

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Executive Administrative Assistant Employees?
Gender ratio in Executive Administrative Assistant position: 0.197739672642245 Male and 0.802260327357755 Female. Age ratio in Executive Administrative Assistant position: 16-20: 16%, 21-30: 54%, 31-40: 18%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 3%, 60+: 0%. Executive Administrative Assistant position is predominantly female (80.2%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Executive Administrative AssistantAtlanta, GA - A year ago
20% male? Seriously? There's gotta be more guys out there interested in this field. Smh. 😠
Executive Administrative AssistantMiami, FL - A year ago
I don't understand why age matters in this discussion. Can't we just focus on skills and qualifications? 🤷


Who Are the Top Employers for Executive Administrative Assistant?
Top employers of Executive Administrative Assistant position: Allstate, J.P. Morgan, JPMorgan Chase & Co.. People who work in Executive Administrative Assistant position most typically go on to work for the Allstate.
Executive Administrative AssistantPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
I've heard mixed reviews about Allstate, J.P. Morgan, JPMorgan Chase & Co. as employers for Executive Administrative Assistants. It's important to do thorough research before making a decision.
Executive Administrative AssistantAtlanta, GA - A year ago
Allstate is known for valuing their Executive Administrative Assistants and providing great benefits. You can't go wrong with them!
J.P. Morgan
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
What Industries Does Executive Administrative Assistant Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Executive Administrative Assistant: Finance & Insurance, Manufacturing, Professional / Scientific / Technical, Information Technology, Health Care. Executive Administrative Assistant employees most likely come from a Finance & Insurance industry background.
Executive Administrative AssistantChicago, IL - A year ago
Can anyone share their experience as an Executive Administrative Assistant in the Information Technology industry? I'd love to know how the role differs and what skills are in demand there. 🖥
Executive Administrative AssistantLos Angeles, CA - A year ago
I'm currently transitioning careers and considering becoming an Executive Administrative Assistant in the Health Care sector. Any tips or advice from those already working in the field? 🏥

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Discussion about Executive Administrative Assistant

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What is the women/men ratio in the job of Executive Administrative Assistant?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
80% are women in this profession.
What is the typical age of people who work as an Executive Administrative Assistant?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
28 is the average age of people working as an Executive Administrative Assistant.
Is an Executive Administrative Assistant considered to be a senior profession?
Liam Brown3 years ago
You probably need around 6 years to work as an Executive Administrative Assistant
Which industries should an Executive Administrative Assistant consider working in?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Manufacturing is typical for an Executive Administrative Assistant to work in.
Is it encouraged to have a degree as an Executive Administrative Assistant?
Liam Brown3 years ago
As an Executive Administrative Assistant you’ll probably need No higher education
Which company employs the most people in the Executive Administrative Assistant role?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Allstate, J.P. Morgan, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Microsoft Corporation and The Coca-Cola Company employs the most people in the Executive Administrative Assistant role.
How long do you usually work as an Executive Administrative Assistant before changing to another position?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You should work for more than 5 years before considering changing to another role.
How likely is it for people working as an Executive Administrative Assistant to switch companies still working as an Executive Administrative Assistant?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
an Executive Administrative Assistant is not a typical job hopper, but might change companies.
From which job titles people come from to work as an Executive Administrative Assistant?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant or Office Manager are the typical prior positions for an Executive Administrative Assistant
What are the typical next steps for someone working as an Executive Administrative Assistant?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Changing from an Executive Administrative Assistant to Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant or Office Manager is a typical career path.
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