Fagen, Friedman, and Fulfrost LLP is a Legal Services provider company that was founded in 2006 and headquartered in Los Angeles, CA. They have the vision to expand their cooperation from government institutes to private businesses and corporations to solve their legal issues through their robust services. To help the small as well as large businesses and corporations they engage their employees in the provision of legal services in different domains such as Special Education Symposium, Education Law, Charter Schools, Real Estate, Student Services & Special Education, Business, Scholarships, Governance & Leadership, and much more. They appreciate, enthuse, and acknowledge the efforts of their employees and award them myriads of employment benefits such as life insurance, flexible payment method, short-term disability insurance, and much more. They prefer to incorporate creative, enthusiastic, and professional candidates who can create a rapport with the clients to better decipher the issue and can solve them reliably. They recruit new employees in different domains such as IT to support, Business & Facilities Transactional & Litigation Associate, litigation legal secretary, and much more. They have 50 to 200 employees.
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