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One thing any investor in America depends on equal financial markets. FINRA is a government-authorized non-profit agency that regulates U.S. broker-dealers to protect customers and maintain the integrity of the market. Every day, they work to ensure that everybody can compete with trust in the business. Through ensuring that the broker-dealer industry works equally and honestly, FINRA is required by Congress to protect America's investors. FINRA understands how important it is to keep work and life in harmony, and through several work-life initiatives, it aims to help workers accomplish that. They have flexible arrangements for work since FINRA recognizes that it can be an important factor in the happiness and efficiency of its teams to support different work styles and scheduling needs. FINRA also operates with center-based youth, home-based children, and adult back-up care with Bright Horizons, a leading back-up care provider.

Multiple locations
Business Associations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations


Professional experience

How many years of experience do Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Newcomers: 15%, Experiencers: 11%, Experts: 20%, Veterans: 54%. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Accenture, All State Financial Co, American Arbitration Association. Typical Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees have worked at Accenture.
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All State Financial Co
American Arbitration Association
What industries did Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Investing Companies, Consulting Companies, Financial Transactions Processing / Reserve / Clearinghouse Companies, Computer Systems Design Companies, Legal Firms. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees most likely come from a Investing Companies industry background.
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Where did Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Small: 14%, Medium: 14%, Large: 72%. Most Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. study?
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Where did employees at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. study?
Binghamton University
Columbia University School of Law
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.?
Time employed at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: <1: 0%, 1-3: 11%, 4-8: 34%, 9-13: 20%, 14-20: 13%, 20+: 22%. Most Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: 63.2% Male and 36.8% Female. Age ratio at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 14%, 31-40: 27%, 41-50: 23%, 51-60: 27%, 60+: 10%. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. rates - 2.8% more female than the industry average. Most Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.?
Top roles of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Arbitrator, Principal, Analyst, Public Works Laborer, Manager. The top role at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. is Arbitrator.
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Public Works Laborer

Career advancement

How does Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: very low. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. ranks very low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc.: Advanced Technology Experts, AIG, Bank of America, Ellucian, FINRA. People who work at Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Inc. most typically go on to work for the Advanced Technology Experts.
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Advanced Technology Experts
Bank of America