About the Company
FirstEnergy, founded in 1997, is a merger of Ohio Edison Company and Centerior Energy Corporation and is dedicated to safety, reliability and operational excellence. Today, FirstEnergy's ten regulated distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, based on serving 6 million customers in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. This company has invested $10 billion in environmental efforts since 1970, and they have a continuing commitment to cleaner energy resources, smarter technology and a more sustainable planet. FirstEnergy and its subsidiaries offer innovative solutions for home and business that are designed to meet the demands of today. Also, BETA Lab offers businesses a one-source solution for calibration, analytical testing, and safety and health training needs. They have a generating fleet with a total capacity of more than 5,000 megawatts. Besides, FirstEnergy offers annual grants of up to $1,000 to educators at schools and youth groups. It is headquartered in Akron, Ohio.