Based in Monterey, California, Language Line Solutions is one of the world’s leading companies specializing in language solutions enabling effective communication and empowering relationships regardless of colour, origin, country, or circumstances. The company is determined and passionate about building concrete understanding among people with a mission to improve the globe one word at a time. The company believes that its greatest reward comes from the fact that understanding various aspects in their mother tongues puts a smile on the faces of the people. The company enables people, especially in the United States where over 64 million people speak a different language at home, and another 10 million are deaf and hard of hearing. Several people struggle to navigate various circumstances in their lives. Starting its operations in 1982, the company handled over 40 million interactions through various mediums past year. In the United States and America, the company posts various vacancies seeking language experts, and professionals in domains such as finance, marketing, and more.
What departments Fluent Language Solutions employees work at?
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