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Flywheel is an outstanding managed WordPress hosting agency with an interactive Flywheel's powerful unique platform that will support the agencies and their clients to optimize to a better WordPress performance and security needs. It creates and develops WordPress sites, handles hosting, and manages projects. Flywheel, Inc. was created in 2012 by Dusty Davidson, Rick Knudtson, and Tony Noecker. The corporate headquarter is located in Omaha, Nebraska, the United States. The Chief Executive Officer is Dusty Davidson. Flywheel is a privately owned company specialized in blogging platforms, content marketing, enterprise software and web developing, security-focused hosting, handling all of the technical related services, web designing, and more.

Company - Private
$5M to $10M
Multiple locations
Computer Systems Design Companies
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Medium size
Computer Systems Design Companies
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Flywheel employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Flywheel: Newcomers: 23%, Experiencers: 26%, Experts: 20%, Veterans: 31%. Flywheel employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Flywheel employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Flywheel: ACI Worldwide, Agape Red, Apple. Typical Flywheel employees have worked at ACI Worldwide.
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ACI Worldwide
Agape Red
What industries did Flywheel employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Flywheel: Computer Systems Design Companies, Software Publishing Companies, Social Advocacy Organizations, Colleges / Universities, Design Firms. Flywheel employees most likely come from a Computer Systems Design Companies industry background.
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Where did Flywheel employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Flywheel: Small: 55%, Medium: 9%, Large: 36%. Most Flywheel employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Flywheel study?
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Where did employees at Flywheel study?
Creighton University
Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Flywheel?
Time employed at Flywheel: <1: 35%, 1-3: 44%, 4-8: 15%, 9-13: 4%, 14-20: 1%, 20+: 1%. Most Flywheel employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Flywheel rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Flywheel: 73.1% Male and 26.9% Female. Age ratio at Flywheel: 16-20: 2%, 21-30: 53%, 31-40: 42%, 41-50: 2%, 51-60: 0%, 60+: 1%. Flywheel rates - 3.1% less female than the industry average. Most Flywheel employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Flywheel rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Flywheel: very high. Flywheel ranks very high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Flywheel employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Flywheel: 110%, AIGA Nebraska, Apple, Arizona State University, Buildertrend. People who work at Flywheel most typically go on to work for the 110%.
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AIGA Nebraska
Arizona State University