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Foley & Mansfield, PLLP is a law practice company, headquartered in Minneapolis and founded in 1989.The company provides the services of construction law, banking, insurance defense, health care law, finance, business law, environmental law, transportation law and others. Their core values promote collaboration, loyalty, accountability, integrity, professionalism and social responsibility. The environment of the firm is very diverse and inclusive with more than 150 attorneys. They offer a unique working environment and passion for their people and provide them a wide range of benefits including vision coverage, life insurance, flexible spending accounts, 401k plan, tuition reimbursement and much more for their well being and growth.

Company - Private
$25M to $50M
Multiple locations
Legal Firms
What departments Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees work at?
other occupation31.7%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Newcomers: 21%, Experiencers: 14%, Experts: 21%, Veterans: 44%. Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Best Buy, Clement & Drotz, Environmental Protection Agency. Typical Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees have worked at Best Buy.
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Best Buy
Clement & Drotz
Environmental Protection Agency
What industries did Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Legal Firms, Colleges / Universities, Elementary & Secondary School, Employment Services Companies, Business Support Companies. Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees most likely come from a Legal Firms industry background.
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Where did Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Small: 55%, Medium: 18%, Large: 27%. Most Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Foley & Mansfield PLLP study?
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Where did employees at Foley & Mansfield PLLP study?
Golden Gate University, School of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Foley & Mansfield PLLP?
Time employed at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: <1: 11%, 1-3: 31%, 4-8: 22%, 9-13: 21%, 14-20: 10%, 20+: 5%. Most Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Foley & Mansfield PLLP rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: 44.3% Male and 55.7% Female. Age ratio at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 27%, 31-40: 42%, 41-50: 15%, 51-60: 11%, 60+: 5%. Foley & Mansfield PLLP rates - 9.7% more female than the industry average. Most Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Foley & Mansfield PLLP?
Top roles of Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Partner, Attorney, Paralegal, Associate Attorney, Legal Administrative Assistant. The top role at Foley & Mansfield PLLP is Partner.
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Associate Attorney
Legal Administrative Assistant

Career advancement

How does Foley & Mansfield PLLP rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Foley & Mansfield PLLP: low. Foley & Mansfield PLLP ranks low for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Foley & Mansfield PLLP employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Foley & Mansfield PLLP: Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala, Corporate Law Partners PLLC, Fabyanske Westra Hart & Thomson P.A, Faegre Baker Daniels, Fisher Bren & Sheridan LLP. People who work at Foley & Mansfield PLLP most typically go on to work for the Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala.
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Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala
Corporate Law Partners PLLC
Fabyanske Westra Hart & Thomson P.A
Faegre Baker Daniels
Fisher Bren & Sheridan LLP