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Four Corners is a Chicago-based company that is committed to offering quality social services to customers. The company began as a bar in 2001 and their hard work and commitment to their service has elevated them to own 15 venues across Chicago. Their eminent growth is driven by their zeal to partner with other companies to achieve greater prospects. The company has a team of professional staff who are passionate about what they do. The company offers several career opportunities and ensure safety in their work environment. Their workers benefit from the flexible work hour which enhances productivity. They also offer special benefits to their staffs as compensation for their hard work.
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Professional experience
Professional Growth
How many years of experience do Four Corners employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Four Corners: Newcomers: 44%, Experiencers: 18%, Experts: 29%, Veterans: 9%. Four Corners employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Professional Growth
Where did Four Corners employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Four Corners: Aloha Poke Co, DineAmic Group, Fatpour Tap Works. Typical Four Corners employees have worked at Aloha Poke Co.
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Aloha Poke Co
DineAmic Group
Fatpour Tap Works
Professional Growth
What industries did Four Corners employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Four Corners: Limited-Service Restaurants, Full-Service Restaurants, Traveler Accommodation Companies, RV Parks / Recreational Camps / Dormitories, Food & Beverage Retailers. Four Corners employees most likely come from a Limited-Service Restaurants industry background.
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Professional Growth
Where did Four Corners employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Four Corners: Small: 59%, Medium: 16%, Large: 25%. Most Four Corners employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background
Educational background
What did employees at Four Corners study?
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Top educational institutions
Where did employees at Four Corners study?
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Employee data
Professional Growth
How long do people stay in a role at Four Corners?
Time employed at Four Corners: <1: 10%, 1-3: 30%, 4-8: 37%, 9-13: 12%, 14-20: 5%, 20+: 6%. Most Four Corners employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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Culture & Values
How does Four Corners rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Four Corners: 52.3% Male and 47.7% Female. Age ratio at Four Corners: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 67%, 31-40: 25%, 41-50: 2%, 51-60: 4%, 60+: 2%. Four Corners rates - 4.7% more female than the industry average. Most Four Corners employees are 21-30, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Professional Growth
What are the top roles at Four Corners?
Top roles of Four Corners: Bartender, Server, General Manager, Owner, Manager. The top role at Four Corners is Bartender.
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General Manager
Career advancement
Professional Growth
How does Four Corners rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Four Corners: very low. Four Corners ranks very low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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Professional Growth
What companies do Four Corners employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Four Corners: Accu-Tech, Ace Hotel, Aerotek, Aloha Poke Co, Bad Hunter. People who work at Four Corners most typically go on to work for the Accu-Tech.
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Ace Hotel
Aloha Poke Co
Bad Hunter