Gardner- Webb University started as Boiling Springs High school in the year 1905, and they transitioned to higher education as Gardner- Webb college in 1942, in between these periods, Gardener Webb University evolved in the year 1933. The mission of this academic institution is to groom and prepare graduates to become leaders and provide efficient service in their professional careers and personal lives. Their statement of value at Gardner- Webb University are Christain heritage, Baptist heritage, Academic excellence, Teamwork, Diversity, Student-centered focus, and many more. At Gardner-Webb University, the discovery of one's purposes, deepening of Faith, and having good academic success is guaranteed. Job openings available at the Gardner-Webb University are America sign language interpretation, Assistant professor of marketing, Physics position, Adjunct faculty for Godbold school of business, Adjunct faculty - School of education, Adjunct undergraduate clinical instructor position. Their employees ( both full-time and part-time) benefit range from health insurance to tuition remission an excellent retirement plan.
What departments Gardner-Webb University employees work at?
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