Gonnella Baking Company has been dedicated to providing high-quality baked products and exceptional customer service for over 130 years. They are proud of their own accomplishments as well as those of their many collaborators. In the Chicago food scene, the term 'Gonnella' conjures up images of freshly baked, aromatic, crisp-crusted breads. This name is recognized by both connoisseurs and grocery customers as a true hearth-baked product that is baked fresh every day of the year. In their four contemporary facilities, the Gonnella Baking Company produces over four million pounds of product per week. The modern operation is significantly more complex and vast than the original, which processed a few hundred loaves weekly in a basement shop on Chicago's De Koven Street. The bread that comes out of the ovens now is the same high-quality product that Alessandro Gonnella created over a century ago in his modest wood-burning oven when he established the enterprise. Their compensation and benefits package are competitive. Health, dental, life, disability, vacation, and retirement policies are all available through them.
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