Goodwill Industries of Greater East Bay is not-for-profit organization management dedicated to accepting donations and turning them into jobs. It was founded in 1919 and is headquartered in Oakland, California, USA servinhg the communities through workforce development services, transitional employment, job readyness traing, along with placement services to the people who are facing barriers in their employment serving in counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano Counties. They provide life skill trainings and employment to people through their affiliated industry Caliadad. Goodwill accepts thousands of donations in cash, sports, housewares, artwork, books, electrical, bicycles, shoes, clothing, TVs , Jewelry, and linens. Goodwill Industries of Greater East Bay offers part time and full time employment opportunities through various positions which may include Donations Attendant, Assistant Retail Store Manager, E-commerce Supervisor, Retail Sales Associate and more.
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