Goodwill is a non-profit organization. It was found in 1902. Its headquarters is in Maryland, United States. Edgar J.Helms is the founder of the organization. It provides services such as job training, employment placement services, and other community-based programs. It strives to provide training and job opportunities for people who have barriers preventing them from obtaining a job. The organization provides services for disabled and disadvantaged persons. It has 157 independent, community-based agencies in the United States, Canada, and 17 countries around the world. Goodwill has also organized weakly job seeker workshops and a monthly job fair. The organization's vision is to provide workforce development programs that empower people. Goodwill organization is currently seeking employees for the position of Part-Time Sale Assistant, Sale Associate, ADC Attendant, Retailer Production, Manufacturing Clark, Goodcare Employemant Specialist, Director of Talent Acquisition and Engagement, Janitorial Worker, Production worker, Donated Goods Process, Team Lead, and E-Commerce SGW Clerk.
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